Sobre mi

I am the founding partner of TRANSFORME Consultores, a 20-year old corporate and public sector innovation management professional services firm based in Santiago de Chile, with world-class clients all over Latin America. I have over 35 years experience in executive positions, designing and implementing our IMO: Innovation Management Office methodology, in four domains: Strategy, Process, Culture & Management. We have implemente our Model in 100+ clients in several industries, including Telcos, Technology, Mining, Manufacturing, Retail, Banks & Insurance, and Engineering. My previous executive and consulting experience includes IT Manager at Shell Chile, CEO at CIENTEC, and Partner, Management Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

An Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de Chile, I hold a Business Administration post-graduate Diploma from the Universidad Catolica de Chile, and have a Master´s Degree in Innovation Management at the University of Barcelona, Spain. I have also attended executive development courses at Harvard Business School and Darden (University of Virginia) in the US.

Recent projects include Innovation Management Program design, implementation and operation for clients such as SONDA, METROGAS, MOLYMET, LATAM AIRLINES, EBCO, MINERA EL TESORO, SERVICIO AGRICOLA Y GANADERO CHILE, EBCO, PETROQUIM, ALPINA (Colombia), GRUPO ELEMENTIA (México), ENEX, MASISA, Grupo EMIN, CONAFE, SIEMENS Chile, SGS, among many others.

I am a frequent speaker at seminars, board meetings and executive or customer meetings.


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